Monday, January 14, 2013

20% Coupon

Marriage! It is said that once you are married you become one. Everything must be discussed together, as a cohesive unit for the improvement of the team. WELL.... not my husband. This man has come home with everything from cars to dogs... And yea I mean everything in between.

Now one may ask, "Why does your husband come home with stuff before discussing it with you?" Well, the answer is simple. I am the sensible one aka frugal better known as CHEAP. I pride myself as being a clearance diva. I lay out our finances and I figure each item into our budget before I can say ... YES, we can do this. The man I married believes in the Nike slogan... Just Do It

I understand the reason he doesn't discuss purchases before buying them with me. He always says, " You talk me out of them!" And you know what??? He is RIGHT!!!! I do!!!

SO when he walked in the house with a purchase from Bed Bath and Beyond my first thought was... OH NO!!! WHAT THE HELL DID HE BUY NOW!! My second thought was... WHY THE HELL DIDN'T HE TELL ME HE WAS GOING TO BED BATH AND BEYOND BECAUSE I HAVE A 20% OFF COUPON!!! Crumbled on our desk, was the receipt for the purchase.

Brace yourself... Because what I saw on that crumbled receipt was a purchase for $120.00. GASP!!!!!.... I looked away ( so my contacts can re- focus ) then looked at the receipt again. " I BE DAMNED!!!!" WE COULD HAVE SAVED $24 dollars!!! Keep in mind... I still had not opened the bag or even looked at the line item to see WHAT he bought.

Finally after a quick conversation with myself to let go of the 20% off coupon... I opened the bag and it was a mattress heating pad. It has been freezing in our room... I mean freezing. Just like that, suddenly the coupon, the $120, the dropping the bag off and leaving out the room (an obvious attempt to avoid my line of questioning) all vanished. I have never spread our bed up so fast. In 2.5 seconds the mattress pad was on. Okay maybe 5-6 minutes later but you get my point.

SO as lay here under my down comforter and my mattress pad on a warm 3 typing on my iPhone, I will leave you with this. YES, this man has come home with many purchases. NO, he doesn't tell me before he buys most things. YES, it can really piss me off. BUT THIS PURCHASE!!!! He knocked it out the park. Touché Shayne Goss. Touché. Keep warm my friends.

1 comment:

  1. lol too funny. i can picture all of this transpiring. I can so relate to Shayne! lol but u and Dre are alike. wabt to hold on to the last penny!! lol
