Sunday, January 6, 2013

Going to work blues

As a new blogger, I have been pondering on what to blog about next.... this insane dog??? My kids that can work a nerves??? What to talk about??? Thinking hard about the next subject, I got out of my bed to make my morning cup of coffee.

Today is Sunday....Sunday January 6th....this means WORK tomorrow. DAMN IT work!!!! What may not be known is that I have been on vacation for two weeks. I didn't take this time off for any particular reason. I was just tired of going to work in the cold. By the way, one of the reasons I really don't like winter. But as I think about my two weeks off... I have to admit it was awesome.

Christmas was no big fan fare. When your kids are 21 and 15, they know there isn't a Santa. To be honest if they still did believe there was a Santa, I may need to get them check out for some type of mental disorder (seriously). Anyway, we spent our afternoon with the Fortunes. WE love these people. NOW for some strange reason…I don’t have a picture of us there…more than likely I was feeling picture ready. Yep that is probably it. (mental note: must do better on the pics if imma keep this blog entertaining)

My robe and Uggs became my best friends. Being the frugal person that I am (YES frugal not to be confused with CHEAP. There is a difference)….I refuse to have the heater just running. My thinking is, put on some sweats and socks and stay warm so I don't have to pay to keep you warm. So, I wore my robe even when fully dress with my Uggs. By the way... Shouts out to the Australian who made these shoes. OMG!!!! I love my Uggs. Not more than my IPhone but pretty damn close.

Became a master pool cleaner. I must say I am very proud of myself for this accomplishment. Damn almost forgot about me climbing a ladder to get to the top of a big ass tree for some avocados. Used Lexi to haul wood to the house. ( Lexi is my car... FYI). I buckled down on my knitting project. (YES I KNIT). OH.... And re-organized my dishes in my cabinet.

New Years was fatassness at its best. It should be written in the books for future generations to read. I will venture to predict in future some where amongst the crumbles of the world. Someone will find my IPhone and see the pictures from our New Years. The skies will open up and a light will shine below. Okay, so that was dramatic but our food was so damn GOOD and EXTRA EXTRA fat ass.

I caught up on all my DVR tv show recordings and I realize I am SO OVER the ENTIRE Housewives shows...every last one of them. The constant arguing over bull crap, talking behind each other backs, and pure foolery of men who look like men but are dressed like a women.... I OFFICIALLY tap out. Hell, I have enough dealing with that in my real life. Who needs a show to see it.

My husband and I took a quick trip to a sleepy town in San Diego named Oceanside. Really cute town and relaxing. While in Oceanside we caught DJango ( the D is silent LOL) and it was a good movie. We loved it. Jack Reacher was good too.

Came home to a beautiful baby shower of a friend I have known since elementary. It was a spectacular affair. I dug down deep to find my creative side and made a clay baby. I didn't win. OH...the baby is in the 3rd picture above, bottom right. Xcuse my photo collage error. Isn't she beautiful ??? NOT the clay baby but my friend in the below picture below (keep up people!!) Some people deserve to be a parent and I know she will be a great mother.

And now... Here I sit in my favorite place in my kitchen drinking coffee with two ripe avocados in front on me, in my rode and Uggs. I have realized, I don't wanna go back to work. I need to hit the lottery ASAP!! But I don't know how that will happen if I'm to frugal to use the dollar to play. Okay... Imma just admit that is just cheap. (SMDH)


  1. awesome summary of yr vacation!! and yes im surprised u didnt have pics of christmas. lol

    1. Thanks Shawniemackfortune! I am usually ready to take a pic. Blame it on the shots. LOL
