Tuesday, January 1, 2013


TODAY is the first day of the year and the first day I am officially going to write on this blog. Let me begin by saying, I have had this blog for over two years. Within that time I have written many post but I have not posted one thought. SO today, on the first day of 2013 I shall POST!!!

I won't be posting profound thoughts that a person reading it will see life in a new light. Nope... Nope I'm not that thought provoking so please don't come to this blog for spiritual enlightenment. Hell, you may tell me I need to be enlighten. LOL.

OH... Crap... PSA.... let me state I may...... AWWW hell I WILL curse from time to time but I promise the curse will be relevant to the subject. I know, I know they say people curse only when they can't use their words but sometimes the right word is a curse word. Sorry... No apologizes for this.

Living my life like its golden is the title of my blog. Truth be told... When Jill Scott came out with that song I HATED that song. WHAT... WHO... LIKE ITS GOLDEN??!!? WHAT THE HELL!!! Maybe it was the beat ( cause if a song has a great beat I'm all in) or the way she sang it. Knowing me I was probably in a bad mood when I heard it and so.... Yea didn't like the song. BUT somehow.... Somewhere I actually heard the lyric and it became my theme music. Back to what I was saying... I love the lyrics because I realized I was living my life like its golden. Now with that said, that's what this blog is about... MY LIFE and all the madness that surrounds it.

NOW... Until I get my blogging life and get my laptop or IPad ( yes there will be A LOT of Tamar'ism on this blog because SHE LOVES HER) I will be writing and posting from my all mighty IPHONE. (I love my iPhone.. I do I really really do) So you may see some bad grammar and misspelled words but I promise to proof read before post. But stuff might slip through.

Anywho, thanks for reading my first post. I hope u enjoy it.


  1. I'm definitely gonna follow. I curse a lot, and I have a pretty extensive vocab. Your my first blogger to follow. Aww, this is sooo Carrie Bradshaw. "Living My Life Like Its Golden," I didn't like it at first either! I dont think a lot of people did, but the message was good. You know black folk not saying nothing ill about anybody doing God's work. KJLH was gonna make you like it regardless of the beat or what you felt about it. I hate when media forces the issue. But eventually I started rocking too it too. Well,I enjoyed your first post. Geesh! I didnt realize I had so much to say about that song. It was everywhere and on everything! I think there may have been t-shirts on Crenshaw too! But yes, we should all live our lives like its golden. Okay, until your next post.

    1. awwww you are my first comment to my first blog. I know....isn't it so Carrie Bradshaw...now I have to start drinking cosmos...LOL!!!!

  2. Nice job Daphne. I'll be following your blog. By the way, nice picture of you above, and Happy New Year to you. It's going to be a great one.

  3. Cool!!! Never paid any attention to this blog spot until now. Kinda cool & I'll definitely be following u along the way. Hell, I might even create my own blog spot!!!

    Choc Ty
